
Eeskujuliku kuritegevuse sihtasutus

Kriminalas ekselences fonds
2018, 2h 6m
Oskars Rupenheits
Lauris Klavins, Andris Daugavins, Maris Micerevskis, Jana Rubina

Mis juhtub, kui stsenarist hakkab oma käsikirja ellu viima? Igasugu jama!

Imant on stsenarist, kellelt tellitakse telesarja jaoks põnev käsikiri osavast petturist. Et asjale professionaalselt läheneda, hakkab Imant petuskeeme päriselus katsetama, puhtalt uurimistöö raames. “Hulkur jalutab koeraga baari,” on esimese petuloo algus, seega varastab Imant oma naabri koera.

Stsenaariumi arendes sukeldub kirjanik aina sügavamale petturite ja kuritegude maailma. Ta näppab kättemaksuhimuliselt relvaomanikult, muutub professionaalse petturi sihtmärgiks ja mässab kahe vägagi kahtlase sahkerdajaga. Aga keegi pole nii kõva vastane kui naaber, kes tahab iga hinna eest oma koera tagasi.

On üsna selge, et peagi kisub Imanti elus tõeliseks jamaks.

Filmi tegevus toimub 1970ndate nõukogude Lätis. See on valminud ilma igasuguse riigipoolse rahastuseta ning sellest sai Lätis tõeline kassahitt, mis seljatas Läti kinoturul ka uue “Tähtede sõja” loo.

Seanss toimub koostöös Tartu Läti Seltsiga.

What happens when a screenwriter starts to live-out his own script?

Imant is commissioned to write a con-artist story for a TV series. As a research for his script, he tries out his fictional cons in real life – all for academic reasons, of course! “A Hobo walks into a bar with a doggie on a leash…” is how the first con starts, so Imant steals the little doggie of his neighbour. As Imant progresses in his script – he is drawn deeper into the world of con-artistry and crime. He steals from a vengeful gun owner, gets owned by con-art expert and takes crap from two dodgy hustlers. But in the end the biggest balls of all are those of the neighbour who won’t let anything stop her from getting her doggie back!

Although made with private funding by young film professionals, the film overthrew financially local big-budget supposed-to-be-hit-of-the-year on local market as well as became a box office hit number 1 in Latvia, leaving behind such Hollywood franchises as “Star Wars” and “Fifty Shades of Grey”.

The screening is held in co-operation with Tartu Latvian Society.

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