Filmisari "Uudishimu ministeerium"
Uudishimu ministeerium | 29.04.—11.05.2024
Aprilli lõpus avab Goethe Instituut Tartus „Uudishimu ministeeriumi“. Kahe nädala jooksul proovitakse „ministeeriumis“ heita pilgu tulevikku. Kultuuriprogramm sisaldab kirjandust, filme, kunsti, tantsuteatrit, muusikat, vestlusi. Rohkem infot leiab SIIT.
Koostööpartnerid: Brandenburgi liidumaa, FilmFestival Cottbus, connecting Cottbus, Goethe-Institut Estland
Ministry for Curiosity | 29.04.-11.05.2024
At the end of April, the Goethe-Institut will open the “Ministry of Curiosity” programme in Tartu. For a fortnight, we dare to look ahead in the “Ministry”. The programme includes literature, film, art, dance theatre, music and panel discussions. More information can be found HERE.
The screenings are presented by the FilmFestival Cottbus (FFC), one of the leading international festivals of Eastern European film, the Goethe-Institut in Estonian and funded by the Federal State of Brandenburg.
29.04.2024 – 18:00, Elektriteater | VICTIM (2022, Michal Blaško)
29.04.2024 – 20:00, Elektriteater | ELAHA (2023, Milena Aboyan)
01.05.2024 – 18:00, Elektriteater | BLINDFOLD (2020, Taras Dron)
01.05.2024 – 20:15, Elektriteater | FOOLS (2022, Tomasz Wasilewski)