Ehe asi: ehe elu võltsides linnades
“Siin pole tegelikult midagi ebaehtsat, see kõik on ehtne, ainult et osa sellest on ehedalt võlts”
Anthony Mackay, arhitekt
Eiffeli torn, Taj Mahal, Veneetsia, Vatikan – need on ainult mõned monumendid ja terved linnad, mille koopiaid võib näha nii Hiinas, Indias kui ka Lääne-Aafrikas. “Ehe asi” uurib maailma kuulsaimate vaatamisväärsuste koopiaid, et mõista, miks need ehitati ja kuidas neid kasutatakse. Sukeldume unenäolisesse koopiate maailma, kus ehtne ja võlts pidevalt kattuvad.
Filmile teeb sissejuhatuse arhitektuurifilosoof Eik Hermann.
“There is actually no unreality here, it’s all real, but some of it is real fake”
Anthony Mackay, architect
The Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, Venice, the Vatican…these are just a few of the many monuments or even entire cities of which replicas have been made in China, West Africa and India. “Real Thing” investigates replicas of the world’s most famous landmarks in order to understand why they were built, and how they are inhabited. We are drawn into an exploration of a dream-like world composed of copycats, a world where real and fake constantly overlap.
The screening will be introduced by architectural philosopher Eik Hermann.