

Poola, Itaalia
2022, 1h 26m
Jerzy Skolimowski


Maailm on salapärane koht, kui seda vaadata läbi looma silmade.

EO on melanhoolsete silmadega hall eesel. Ta on sunnitud lahkuma tsirkusest, mis on olnud ainuke elu, mida ta tunneb ning kus on elanud õnnelikult noore Kasandra (Sandra Drzymalska) poolehoidu nautides. EO kohtab oma teekonnal läbi tänapäeva Euroopa nii häid kui halbu inimesi, nende seas on preester (Lorenzo Zurzolo) ning Krahvinna (Isabelle Huppert). Ühtlasi kogeb ta rõõmu ja valu ning seda, kuidas õnnest võib vaid ühe hetkega saada õnnetus ja meeleheitest ootamatu õndsus.

Vanameister Jerzy Skolimowski leidlik ja liigutav draama on austusavaldus Robert Bressoni meistriteosele “Nagu juhtub, Balthazar” (1966).

“EO” esilinastus Cannes’is ning võitis seal žürii ja parima muusika auhinna. Film esindab Poolat ka rahvusvahelise filmi Oscari konkurentsis.

Seanssi korraldab Poola Suursaatkond.


Veteran director Jerzy Skolimowski returns in triumphant form with this lovely tale of animal life.

Sometimes harsh, sometimes sweet, always beautiful, EO tells the story of a donkey and its journey through a world dominated by humans. As the film begins, EO is living a happy life as part of a circus, performing alongside Kasandra (Sandra Dryzmalska). When animal-rights protesters disrupt the situation, the poor creature is shipped off to Italy; the rest of the film portrays its subsequent adventures, which include becoming part of a petting zoo, getting involved in a Polish soccer game, and encountering a countess.

As certain readers might have gathered by now, EO is an homage to Robert Bresson’s masterpiece “Au hasard Balthazar”. Though their methods are different, Bresson and Skolimowski both use their animal protagonists as litmus tests for humanity, with their varying treatments showing the best and the worst in us. Where Bresson is austere and suggestive, Skolimowski is emotive and lyrical; this is a wonderfully moving film.

“EO” won Prix du Jury at Cannes Film Festival and was nominated for Best International Film Oscar by Poland.

The screening is organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland.

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