
Homme on ka päev

C'è ancora domani
2023, 1h 58m
Paola Cortellesi
Paola Cortellesi, Valerio Mastandrea, Romana Maggiora Vergano

Kevad 1946, suur sõda Euroopas on just lõppenud ja liitlaste sõjaväelased tiirutavad Rooma tänavatel. Loo peategelaseks on klassikalise itaalia perekonna pereema Delia, kes on abielus vägivaldse mehe Ivanoga ja kodus sirguvad kolm last. Lastest vanim, tütar Marcella on värskelt armunud ning peab mehele mineku plaane. Delia õlul on uskumatult palju, aga ta kannatab kõik raskused vapralt ära. Väikseid rõõme ta päevades pakuvad lapsed, sõbranna Marisa ja autoremondimees Nino.

Ühel päeval saabub naisele tähtis kiri, mida ta kiivalt hoiab ja mis annab lootust paremaks tulevikuks!

Filmi peaosaline ja režissöör on Paola Cortellesi. Retro-stiilis “Homme on ka päev” on võitnud mitmeid auhindu ja see oli eelmisel aastal itaalia kinode edukaim film, seljatades isegi suurimad Hollywoodi kassahitid!

Film linastub koostöös Itaalia Suursaatkonnaga.



Paola Cortellesi directs and stars in this crowd-winning gem as Delia, a wife and mother doing her best to get by in the scarred city following the war. Money is short and her husband, Ivano, is a violent brute who responds to her morning greeting by slapping her in the face. Delia juggles taking care of the home, three children, and a bedridden father-in-law, with scrambling for cash to contribute to the household – and to the pockets of the ever-demanding Ivano. Delia’s dream is for her daughter Marcella to marry well and lead a better, more comfortable life – the girl’s romance with a boy from a business-owning family bodes well. She finds respite from the violence in a flirtation with an old suitor, Nino (Vinicio Marchioni), and in an unlikely friendship with an American soldier she meets on the streets. A mysterious letter compels Delia to make a momentous, life-altering choice.

“I wanted to make a contemporary movie set in the past, because I think that unfortunately many things have remained the same,” Cortellesi said. Shot with visual panache in sparkling black and white and with a wonderful soundtrack, Cortellesi has succeeded in making a vibrant, vital film that can lead to change.

The screening takes place in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy.

Seansid ja piletid
Sat 26. October 14:30
Osta pilet
Vabu kohti 108
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