
Hybrid Living Scheme – Evening

Jimmy Offeson

Toimumiskoht: Elektriteatrist üle tee ja trepist üles!

Performance esindab avatud küsimust hübriidse elumudeli kontseptsioonil, inspireeritud “uute” inimtekkeliste materjalide olemasolust Maal (nagu plastglomeraat) ning ammutab energiat tänapäeva hirmudest, millega inimkond peab ühel hetkel kohanduma. Hybrid living scheme on küborg-burlesk lugu kohanemisest, mida jutustatakse sunnitud positsioonilt, pidades eesmärgiks elusorganismi edenemist.

Jimmy Offeson tegeleb performance kunstiga, kombineerides elulisi sitatsioone ning meediume nagu keha, video ja installatsioon.

Üritus on tasuta!

Olenevalt reisipiirangutest on võimalus, et üritus toimub videoülekandena!

Ürituse toimumist toetab Tartu linn.


The piece is an open question to the concept of hybrid living schemes. It is inspired by “new” materials that have emerged due to mankind’s presence on earth (like plastiglomerate) and fueled by different anxieties of today. “Hybrid living scheme” is a burlesque cyborgian story about adaptation, a story told from within a forced condition, yearning to thrive as an organism.

Jimmy Offesson has an interest in working with performance art through combinations of different media, such as bodies, video, installations and live situations.

The event is free!

Depending on the current traveling restrictions the event could take place as a live broadcast!

Event is supported by Tartu city.

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