
Isemoodi paradiis

Some Kind of Heaven
2020, 1h 23m
Lance Oppenheim

Filmiga “Isemoodi paradiis” tungib režissöör Lance Oppenheim läbi Ameerika suurima pensionäride kogukonna hoolega lihvitud fassaadi. The Villages on üle 120 000 elanikuga ja laitmatult pügatud muruplatsidega utoopia, mis kirjeldab end kui “eakate Disney World”. Iga päev peaks olema elanike jaoks hea päev: koos tegeletakse sünkroonujumise, golfi ja tai chiga. Oppenheim on sellegipoolest valinud filmi peategelasteks just need elanikud, kes pole suutnud selles eelpakendatud paradiisis õnne leida.

“Isemoodi paradiis” on rabava pildikeelega dokumentaalfilm, mis pakub õrna ja sürreaalset vaadet lõputule otsingule leidmaks elu tähendust ja armastust.

Filmile teeb sissejuhatuse arhitekt Inke-Brett Eek.


With “Some Kind of Heaven”, director Lance Oppenheim cracks the manicured facade of The Villages, America’s largest retirement community with over 120 000 inhabitants. Every day is supposed to be a good one for the senior citizens of The Villages: Whether residents are interested in synchronized swimming or cheerleading, tai chi or golf cart parades. Behind the gates of this palm tree-lined fantasyland, “Some Kind of Heaven” invests in the dreams and desires of a small group of Villages residents – and one interloper – who are unable to find happiness within the community’s pre-packaged paradise. With strikingly composed cinematography, this candy-colored documentary offers a tender and surreal look at the never-ending quest for finding meaning and love in life’s final act.

The screening will be introduced by architect Inke-Brett Eek.


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