
Klexos Ensemble

NB! Esinemine toimub videoülekandena!


Three studies for two voices – Alessandro Perini

Fluid Engine – Pedro González

Forever Young – Keith Moore

Hello – Alexander Schubert

Laval: Jesus Gallardo, Javier Juanals, Pablo Gonzalez, Pedro Gonzalez, Carlos Tena

Klexos on rahvusvahelise suunitlusega uus ja arenev ansambel kaasaegse muusika maastikul. Nad on näide kaasaegse lähenemisega noorte muusikute generatsioonist, kes on pühendunud innovatsioonile ja vahetule tööprotsessile koos esitatavate teoste autoritega ning kantud uutest lahendustest Euroopa avant-garde maastikul.




Klexose kava Tartu Interdistsiplinaaril keskendub heli, liikumise ning meedia sidumisele.

Klexose liikmed:

Jesus Gallardo – saksofonid | liikumine

Javier Juanals – saksofonid | liikumine

Pablo Gonzalez – saksofonid | liikumine

Pedro Gonzalez – viiul | liikumine | multimeedia

Carlos Tena – saksofonid | liikumine

Ürituse toimumist toetab Tartu linn, Acción Cultural Española ja Eesti Kultuurkapital.


The perfromance will take place via video broadcast!

Klexos is one of the emergent ensembles with more international projection within the field of new contemporary music creation. Committed to innovation and concerned in working hand in hand with young composers, they are a sample of the new generation of performers involved with contemporary thinking, in contact with arising innovations from avant-garde movements throughout the European geography.




The program concentrates on sound, movement and media:

“Three studies for two voices” – Alessandro Perini

“Fluid Engine” – Pedro González

“Forever Young” – Keith Moore

“Hello” – Alexander Schubert

Members of Klexos:

Jesus Gallardo – Saxophones | Performance

Javier Juanals – Saxophones | Performance

Pablo Gonzalez – Saxophones | Performance

Pedro Gonzalez – Violin | Performance | Multimedia

Carlos Tena – Saxophones | Performance

The event is supported by Tartu city, Acción Cultural Española and Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

About buying the tickets:

When buying online, you need to enter your name and you will get your ticket from the ticket counter by name. If the payment methods are not suitable then please make a reservation at and after getting a confirmation make a cash payment for the ticket at the entrance of the event.

Ei leia sobivat seanssi? Jäta meile teade ning anname teada, kui filmile tuleb kavasse uus seanss. Telli teavitus