Kahekümnendates Johan elab eraklikku elu koos oma lämmatavalt kontrolliva emaga krokodillidest pungil farmis Lääne-Jaaval. Kui ühel päeval kohtub ta iseseisva ja kauni Arumiga, lööb see kõikuma hapra tasakaalu kaitsvas kookonis, milles ema Johanit terve elu hoidnud on. „Krokodillipisarad“ viitab õrnale tasakaalule oma võsukesi kandva emakrokodilli lõugade kaistva ja kahjustava haarde vahel, millega sageli kaasneb pisarate valamine. Metafoorina peegeldab see emalikku armastust, mis üheaegselt kaitseb ja teeb haiget. Indoneesia filmitegija Tumpal Tampuboloni debüütmängufilm on kõhe ja haarav draama emadusest ja armastusest, mis toob avameelselt ning elavalt esile nii läheduse kui ka võõrandumise kogemused.
Film linastus ka Toronto filmifestivali Centerpiece programmis.
Mother always knows best in “Crocodile Tears”. Tumpal Tampubolon’s low-key debut feature charts the unhealthy relationship between a young man and his overbearing mother, gradually shifting from family drama into more supernatural territory. The focus is on the uncomfortable bond between mother and son Johan. Working together, the duo are everything to each other. Mama showers her boy with kisses, demands shoulder massages and holds him close in her arms as they share a bed. There are no boundaries and no privacy. The question of what happened to Johan’s father is one that runs throughout the film, sparking speculation and rumours. While it has all the elements for shlocky B-movie fare the film favours restraint over excess, atmospherics over explanations.
Allan Hunter, Screen International