Linn, kus ma vanaks saan
Francisca on noor Portugali naine, kes on aasta Brasiilias elanud. Ema soovil võõrustab ta oma kodus vana tuttavat Teresat, kellega on juba aastaid kontakt kadunud. Samal ajal kui Teresa kütkestunult Belo Horizonte linna avastab, lootuses oma koduste murede eest põgeneda ja sinna elama jääda, otsustab Francisca Lissaboni naaseda. Film jälgib mõlema seiklusi Belo Horizonte linnas ning naiste vahel kasvavat sügavat sõprust, mis sunnib neid oma vastuolulistele soovidele otsa vaatama: ühelt poolt tung lahkuda ja elada võõras riigis ning teisalt lakkamatu koduigatsus.
Filmile teeb sissejuhatuse Brasiiliast pärit Lara Brener, kes õpib hetkel Eesti Kunstiakadeemias ning uurib ümberasustunud inimeste identiteete.
Francisca is a young Portuguese woman who’s been living in Brazil for a year. At her mother’s behest, she welcomes Teresa – a fellow citizen she’d lost contact with – into her home. While Teresa is enthralled discovering Belo Horizonte, where she means to settle and escape the crisis that has taken over her homeland, Francisca decides to go back to Lisbon. The film follows each woman’s adventures in the city and the deep bond of friendship that grows between them, forcing them to deal with conflicting desires: a will to leave for an unknown country and a relentless longing for home.
The screening will be introduced by Lara Brener who’s from Brazil, but is currently enrolled at the Estonian Academy of Arts where she does research about misplaced identities.