
Mängufilm Elust

Ilgo metro filmas apie gyvenimą
2021, 1h 40m
Dovilė Šarutytė
Agnė Misiūnaitė, Kęstutis Jakštas, Inga Maškarina, Nelė Savičenko, Romuald Lavrinoviič

Suure tõenäosusega tuleb igal inimesel enne iseenda surma korraldada kellegi teise matus. See on kõike muud kui lihtne ülesanne. Lisaks lõikavale leinale toob suremine kaasa ridamisi ülesandeid, mis on ühtaegu nii võõrad kui samas ka aegkriitilised. Sellise väljakutse virvarri on sattunud filmi peategelane Dovile, kel tuleb ootamatult matta oma isa. Noorest neiust peab üleöö saama oskuslik perekonnaürituse korraldaja, ent muuhulgas ka spetsialist kirstude, urnide, pärgade ja peielaudade küsimuses. Tema täiusliku matuse korraldamise teekond kulgeb paraku aga üle kivide ja kändude, saatjateks peaasjalikult must huumor ühes väsimatu situatsioonikoomikaga.

Režissöör ja stsenarist Dovile Šarutyte on loonud tõeliselt mitmetahulise seisundifilmi, mis on ühtaegu nii vahetult intiimne kui ka tabav ühiskonna portree. Tundeilma paisutava koha leiavad lapsepõlve videoarhiivi kaadrid, nagu ka satiirilised noodid stereotüüpide pihta. Tihti ei saagi esimese hooga aru, kas silma kisub vesiseks ülevoolav naer või hoopiski nukker liigutatus. Selge on aga see, et eelnevalt lühifilmidega mitmeid auhindu pälvinud Šarutyte teeb silmapaistva etteaste ka oma esimese täispika mängufilmiga, pakkudes publikule vaatamiselamust, mis ei kohku tagasi tabuteemade ega varjatud tunnete ees.

Elise Eimre

Filmile teeb sissejuhatuse Gytis Dovydaitis, kes teeb hetkel Eesti Kunstiakadeemias doktorikraadi ning on meedia filosoofia ja digikunsti uurija ja kuraator.



It is highly probable that before their own death, everyone has to organise someone else’s funeral. This is by far not an easy task. In addition to the searing grief, dying also brings a number of tasks that are at once utterly alien and intensely time-critical. The main character of this film, Dovile, who unexpectedly has to bury her father, has to face the bedlam of exactly such a challenge. Overnight, the young girl has to become a skilful organiser of a family event, while also being a specialist on coffins, urns, wreaths and funeral feasts. Dovile’s journey towards organising a perfect funeral is inevitably full of hardship and mishaps, accompanied mainly by black humour and comical situations.
Director and screenwriter Dovile Šarutyte portrays a truly multi-faceted state of mind, which is utterly intimate, while conveying a striking portrait of the society. Scenes from a childhood video archive as well as satirical stabs at stereotypes boost the emotions. Often you can’t even readily discern whether your eyes grow moist from overwhelming laughter or wistful sorrow. It is clear, however, that Šarutyte, who has previously earned various awards with short films, gives a remarkable performance also with her first full-length feature film, offering the audience a viewing experience that does not balk from taboo subjects or hidden feelings.

Elise Eimre

The screening will be introduced by Gytis Dovydaitis, a researcher & curator of media philosophy and digital arts, who’s currently a doctoral exchange student at the Estonian Academy of Arts PhD programme.


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