

Poola, Saksamaa
2022, 1h 55m
Tomasz Wasilewski
Dorota Kolak, Łukasz Simlat, Tomasz Tyndyk, Katarzyna Herman, Marta Nieradkiewicz


Marlena ja tema mitu aastat noorem elukaaslane Tomasz elavad üksildases majas mere ääres, rahul ja õnnelikud nii üksteise kui ka oma eluga eraldatud paigas. Nende igapäevaelu pööratakse pea peale, kui Marlena otsustab vastu Tomeki tahtmist lasta oma võõrandunud, nüüdseks aga raskelt haigestunud pojal Mikolajil nende juurde kolida. Peagi ei heida nende suhetele varju mitte ainult igapäevane kurnav hooldus: Mikolaji sissekolimisel hakkavad  päevavalgele tulema üha uued ja uued aastaid varjatud peresaladused. (FilmFestival Cottbus)

Film linastub ingliskeelsete subtiitritega.

Koostööpartnerid: Brandenburgi liidumaa, FilmFestival Cottbus, connecting Cottbus, Goethe-Institut Estland



Marlena and her partner Tomasz, who is several years younger, live in a lonely house by the sea, happy with each other and with life in their secluded world. Their everyday life is turned upside down however when Marlena, against Tomek’s wishes, decides to let her (meanwhile estranged) critically ill son Mikolaj move in with them. It’s not only the exhausting care that casts a shadow over their relationship: as Mikolaj moves in, more and more family secrets come to light that had hitherto been hidden for many years. (FilmFestival Cottbus)

The screening has English subtitles.

The screening is presented by the FilmFestival Cottbus (FFC), one of the leading international festivals of Eastern European film, the Goethe-Institut in Estonian and funded by the Federal State of Brandenburg.

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