Pikad paberid
Tallinna väikepoes töötava Sebastiani rutiinne tööpäev saab uue hingamise, kui ta kohtub elunautlejast Siloga. Koos suitsetavad nad kanepit ja unistavad üheotsapiletist Brasiiliasse. „Pikad paberid“ on film noortest täiskasvanutest, keda ühendab teadmatus tuleviku ees ja ühine soov elada tähendusrikast elu.
A film that follows Estonian youth as they figure out life in their twenties, dealing with uncertainties and searching for purpose.
Sebastian, working as a store clerk, finds his ordinary workday shaken up when he meets Silo, a free-spirited wanderer. Together they smoke weed and dream of a one-way ticket to Brazil. “Rolling Papers” explores the lives of young adults, united by their uncertainty about the future and a longing for a purposeful existence.