Roomas pole kaua vihma sadanud ja nii nagu taimed, on ka mehed ja naised kokku kuivanud. Reeglid ja harjumused on muutunud. Vihma ootavas ja ettepoole vaatavas pealinnas ristuvad noorte ja vanade, marginaliseeritute ja educate ning ohvrite ja kasusaajate saatused. Rooma allakäik on iidne lugu, mis kordub nagu mantra. Uued roomlased ei oota mitte päikesetõusu, vaid paduvihma, mis tervendaks maa ja hea tahtega inimesed.
Paolo Virzì kahte isolatsioonis oldud aastat hindav kroonika püüab mõõta itaallaste vaimset tervist ja viimaste aastate elu.
Film esilinastus 79. Veneetsia rahvusvahelisel filmifestivalil 2022. aastal.
Filmi juhatavad sisse Itaalia Suursaatkonna asejuht Davide Montani ja Stefano Braghiroli, Tartu Ülikooli Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituudi Euroopa õpingute kaasprofessor.
Seanssi korraldab Itaalia Suursaatkond.
It hasn’t rained in Rome for too long and like plants, men and women have dried up. Rules and habits have changed. Fates of young and old, marginalised and successful, victims and profiteers intersect in the capital city that awaits the rain and looks ahead. The decadence of Rome is ancient history that repeats itself like a mantra. It is not the rising of the sun that the new Romans are waiting for but a pouring rain that heals the earth and men of good will.
Chronicle-assessment of two years of confinement, the film by Paolo Virzì tries to measure the mental health of Italians and the life that in the last few years.
The film premiered at the 79th Venice International Film Festival in 2022.
The introduction will be made by the Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Italy Davide Montani and Stefano Braghiroli, Associate professor of European Studies at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies of the University of Tartu.
The screening is organized by the Embassy of Italy.