Takatsu jõgi

Manabu Saito peab mägedes karjatalu. Kohaliku kogukonna uhkuseks on Kagura tantsupidu, millest pärinevat kabuki teater. Manabu on mures, et tema poeg Tatsuya plaanib teiste noorte kombel piirkonnast ära kolida, kuna ta jätab tihti Kagura proove vahele. Samal ajal sulgetakse ka kohalik kool, kuna laste arv on vähenenud. Elanike arvu vähenemine noorte linnakolimise tõttu on piirkonna üks suurimaid probleeme. Seetõttu on mitte ainult Kagura, aga ka paljude teiste Jaapani ainulaadsete traditsioonide ja oskustööde edasiandmine tõsiselt ohus. Selle olukorra keskmes luuakse plaan kõik kooli vilistlased kokku kutsuda viimaseks spordipäevaks ning iga aasta teha kõikide klassidega kokkutulek samaaegselt. Manabu kutsub klassikokkutulekule ka Makoto, kes on Tokyos advokaat.
Manabu ja Makoto arutavad plaanitava puhkekeskuse arendust Takatsu jõe ülemjooksul. Makoto sõnul elavdab see piirkonna majandust, aga Manabu ei ole sellega päri ja viib ta Takatsu jõe kaldale. Makoto, kes on oma kodupaigast pikalt eemal olnud, näeb seal oma isa ja saab teada saladuse, mida seni teadis vaid Manabu…
Film on jaapani keeles ja ingliskeelsete subtiitritega
Üritus on korraldatud koostöös Jaapani Fondi ja Jaapani Suursaatkonnaga Eestis.
Manabu Saito runs a ranch on a mountain. The dance of ‘KAGURA’, which is said to be the origin of kabuki, is the pride of the local community. Because his son Tatsuya is prone to skipping Kagura practice, Manabu worries that his son will leave the region like many young people do. At that time, the elementary school that he graduated from gets closed. The reason is that the number of children has decreased. Population decline due to the outflow of young people to cities is one of the major problems in the region. As a result, not only Kagura, but also the continuation of the passing on of many traditions and crafts unique to Japan, is in a critical state. In the midst of this situation, there is talk of gathering all the graduates at the last athletic meet and holding each year’s class reunions simultaneously. Manabu insists that Makoto, who is a lawyer in Tokyo, should come back for the class reunion.
He consults with Makoto about the progressing talks of resort development on the upper stream of Takatsu River. Makoto says that this will spark economic development in the region, but Manabu objects and takes him to the banks of the Takatsu River. Makoto, who has been away from his hometown for a long time, sees his father standing on the bank. And then Makoto learns of a certain secret that only Manabu knows…
The movie is in Japanese with English subtitles.
This event is being organized in cooperation with the Japan Foundation and the Embassy of Japan in Estonia